Koi designs make for very colorful
koi fish tattoos. Here are some FAQs regarding the subject of both koi fish and tattoos. Both are fascinating subjects to explore.
What are Koi?Koi are ornamental Japanese fish usually kept in ponds in outdoor gardens. They are akin to goldfish but have significant differences. Good luck, good fortune, wealth, love, well being, perseverance, and determination are words that were all used, at one time or another, to describe the symbolism of the Koi. Since tattoo enthusiasts are the type of people who look for symbolism in any design, then the koi fish tattoos would naturally appeal to this group of people.
What is a tattoo?Tattoos are any design or text that is permanently drawn on skin. This is done with the help of a machine which has needles laden with ink. The ink is applied to the epidermis through minute pricks from the needles. The old practice of marking oneself was used for sacred purposes. It was also sometimes used in coming of age rituals. There are many types of tattoos. The ones most likely used in olden times are tribal tattoos. These are abstract patterns that represent things from nature. Then there are the famous Japanese tattoos, of which koi fish tattoos are an offshoot.
Why should I get this kind of tattoo?If the symbolism are relevant to who you are and what you want to convey with your tattoo, then you should get this kind. If you like the design, the patterns and colors, and have a space somewhere in your body for it, then by all means, get this kind of tattoo. If you are a fan of tattoo and body art, if you like Koi fish, if you like Japanese designs; then you should get this kind of tattoo.
If you are ready, then all you have to do is find a good tattoo artist. There might be a tattoo parlor near where you live. Just give it a visit. Check out the place for hygiene. Cleanliness is important in the art of tattooing. Give a close scrutiny at the work area, and the way the artist handles his equipment. Then look through the skin artist's portfolio of past work. Ask him or her if he has had any experience with koi fish tattoos. This way, you will be ensured of a good design and rendering.