Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dolphin Lower Back Tattoo

Dolphin Lower Back TattooLooking for the perfect tattoo design can be very hard, you want to make sure your tattoo will be the best possible, because you will have it for the rest of your life. There are many people that get a tattoo on the moment, they decide they want a tattoo quickly without making proper research and end up regretting their choice.

Dolphin Lower Back TattooIf you really like dolphins, nature and are sure that this design will be the right one for you, then you should start to make some research to find the perfect design. You got to ask yourself first what is it that you want, a cheap tattoo or a stunning design for your dolphin lower back tattoo. It would be easy to go on the internet and print the first design that seems nice, but you will regret it. Those free designs are usually of poor quality and will give your tattoo artist a pretty hard job to make it nice. The end result will probably not be what you would expect.

If you are like me, then spending a little extra money to get the best design possible shouldn't be a problem. That way, you can get a professional tattoo design, not just some quickly drawn sketch of a dolphin. When getting something as important as a tattoo that you will keep for the rest of your life, it is a wise idea to put a little extra money to get a better result.

The Mysterious Meanings of Dolphin Tattoos

The Mysterious Meanings of Dolphin TattoosDolphin tattoos are very very popular. Although some may choose to tattoo a dolphin simply because they like the animal and how cute it is, others will dig deeper for the other meanings that a dolphin tattoo has.

So whether you have a dolphin tattoo or currently planning to get one, it is a good idea to know the different meanings that these tattoos have.

So what is it about a dolphin that makes it such a popular subject for tattoos? For one, their intelligence. They are smart and communicative; they arrange themselves into families and take care of their family. They even protect other pregnant dolphins, which indicates loyalty.

But even this long list is not the end of the dolphin's appeal. Dolphins, especially to us humans, look free spirited, joyful and playful. A dolphin tattoo represents these qualities and more: happiness, as dolphins always appear to be smiling with their big mouths. They are also very graceful animals, as you probably already know yourself.

Great Dolphin Tattoo Designs

Great Dolphin Tattoo Designs

Great Dolphin Tattoo DesignsDolphins are part of the most popular tattoo ideas amongst people. Having been a part of modern art and also ancient historical drawings, dolphins are a part of body art designs all over the world. They have been a symbol of good luck since ancient times and many people get these tattoos on their bodies for this sole reason. They are often used inside a complex combination of symbols by people for many reasons.

Dolphins can be tattooed in both small and big forms. Some people have tattoos which depict them along with their marine lifestyles. In addition, they can also be put creatively and by using smaller forms of the fishes. The different forms of dolphin tattoo designs are often based on the area of the body in which they are put. They are commonly witnessed on areas such as the neck, waist, ear, knees, ankles etc. These areas house the smaller versions of the great dolphin tattoo designs while parts such as the back, legs, arms and chest are better areas for the bigger and life sized tattoo

Dolphin Tattoo Designs

Dolphin Tattoo DesignsA recent popular tattoo design is that of a dolphin. It is both a rage in men and women to sport a dolphin tattoo design. This animal which has always fascinated mankind has fired the imagination field for past several centuries.

Dolphin Tattoo DesignsThe advent of dolphin tattoo design is very old. In ancient times the seamen used to get dolphins inked on their bodies. The dolphin has always got a special place in their lives as friend in the vast unknown ocean with dangerous creatures. Dolphins have always shared a special fun filled strong and amiable relationship. Several fables were popular reciting how dolphins helped ships lost in the storm or saved lives of drowning sailors shipwrecked in the ocean. Dolphins are also associated by the mariners as a symbol of good luck, and therefore they got them tattooed.

Women admire a dolphin tattoo designs as it signifies carefree, fun loving creatures. A naturally smiling face of a dolphin is very cute. A good tattoo artist can fill a lot of fun and color to this design as they naturally seem to have a ball of a time always. It seems that all worries are left behind while they jump, flap or flock in the ocean. All these significance can be depicted only by a good tattoo artist.

Dolphin Tattoo Designs - For Men and Women

Dolphin Tattoo Designs - For Men and Women

Dolphin Tattoo Designs - For Men and WomenTattoos come in all shapes and sizes that are unique to the person wearing it. The reason for this is a declaration of individuality. The choice of design often reflects one's personality. One of the most interesting and popular ones are dolphin tattoo designs.

Dolphins are beautiful sea creatures and are thought to be as smart as humans. This is why they are a common sight on entertainment shows for kids. They can easily be taught to perform tricks which make them fun to watch. Dolphins are docile creatures and they have no problem being around people.

Dolphins tattoo designs are often selected by people who show the same characteristics as these amazing creatures. These animals are intelligent, caring and easy to be with. Having these pictures on your body implies that you have these characteristics as well. At the same time, there is a certain allure that this design shows.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Japanese Koi Fish Tattoos

Japanese Koi Fish Tattoos
Japanese Koi Fish Tattoos

Japanese Koi Fish TattoosCurrently, people are looking into koi fish tattoo designs to decorate their body. Koi fish are basically deified in Japanese folklore and mythology, as they represent upward movement and facing adversity, because they typically swim up stream to travel. You can especially get a koi fish tattoo design to get good luck.

As koi are both graceful and carry with them several exotic and symbolic meanings, they are popular tattoos. You won't locate a more lively design for tattoos out there.

If you desire to take the plunge and acquire a koi fish tattoo, you have to decide on a specific design for your body that you want applied. A lot of people have a blue flowing river around their koi tattoo design to boost its aquatic nature.

You can especially have a koi flipping out of a running river, which is also aesthetically pleasing and wonderfully meaningful to you and a lot of people. Koi fish tattoo designs might often include lotus flowers or Japanese maple leaves in their look.

Koi Fish Tattoos

Koi Fish Tattoos

Koi Fish TattoosKoi designs make for very colorful koi fish tattoos. Here are some FAQs regarding the subject of both koi fish and tattoos. Both are fascinating subjects to explore.

What are Koi?

Koi are ornamental Japanese fish usually kept in ponds in outdoor gardens. They are akin to goldfish but have significant differences. Good luck, good fortune, wealth, love, well being, perseverance, and determination are words that were all used, at one time or another, to describe the symbolism of the Koi. Since tattoo enthusiasts are the type of people who look for symbolism in any design, then the koi fish tattoos would naturally appeal to this group of people.

What is a tattoo?

Tattoos are any design or text that is permanently drawn on skin. This is done with the help of a machine which has needles laden with ink. The ink is applied to the epidermis through minute pricks from the needles. The old practice of marking oneself was used for sacred purposes. It was also sometimes used in coming of age rituals. There are many types of tattoos. The ones most likely used in olden times are tribal tattoos. These are abstract patterns that represent things from nature. Then there are the famous Japanese tattoos, of which koi fish tattoos are an offshoot.

Why should I get this kind of tattoo?

If the symbolism are relevant to who you are and what you want to convey with your tattoo, then you should get this kind. If you like the design, the patterns and colors, and have a space somewhere in your body for it, then by all means, get this kind of tattoo. If you are a fan of tattoo and body art, if you like Koi fish, if you like Japanese designs; then you should get this kind of tattoo.


If you are ready, then all you have to do is find a good tattoo artist. There might be a tattoo parlor near where you live. Just give it a visit. Check out the place for hygiene. Cleanliness is important in the art of tattooing. Give a close scrutiny at the work area, and the way the artist handles his equipment. Then look through the skin artist's portfolio of past work. Ask him or her if he has had any experience with koi fish tattoos. This way, you will be ensured of a good design and rendering.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bird Tattoo Flash

Bird Tattoo FlashBird tattoo flash has gained fame in the world of tattooing amidst the other existing designs. All over the years and in various countries, bird depicts freedom of the soul and spirit and exhibits exquisiteness and splendor. Because they can fly high in the sky, they are thought to be close to the heavens and God. Hence, bird tattoo flash is an admired tattoo design by many.

We all know that heroes in the early times always had birds that assist them in battle and guide them in their journey which we often read in books. We have read that the birds can act as watchers and spies and can pass on messages effectively.

In the bible, birds like dove are also popular, so this animal has religious significance, too. Also, this animal has been part of history of any culture, where its forms were found in Egyptian tombstones. In some countries like Africa, birds also have exceptional connotation in their culture and other traditional rituals.

Swallow Bird Tattoos

Swallow Bird TattoosSwallow bird tattoos are fast gaining popularity these days and this fact is substantiated by my tattoo artist as for the past couple of weeks, his parlor has received more than a dozen requests for them. That's all well and good of course but my problem is this. Finding good images of Swallow bird tattoos online are so hard now days because of the massive spike of horrible galleries shrouding the search engine results. The days of finding good quality designs through search engines have finally ended. Unless you're keen on having boring looking artworks printed on your skin, then I would highly recommend that you keep away from using the search engines.

Swallow Bird TattoosBelieve it or not, I consumed plenty of caffeinated drinks while plowing through 30+ websites and almost every single one of them contain pictures of Swallow bird tattoos that are bland and uninspiring. Those that do display magical creations refuse to let you print out their designs in high resolution and water mark free unless you're willing fork out around (gulp!) 20 to 30 dollar on a single design. Now don't get me wrong, I totally believe in splashing some cash in order to get the best tattoo design. Look at the bigger picture. The tattoo(s) that I'm planning on getting will stay on forever so 20 to 30 dollars is nothing. My issue is forking out double digit dollars on just ONE measly design. No way am I spending that much money UNLESS, I'm allowed to print out a wide variety of Swallow bird tattoos.

After mucking online for hours and several cans of red bull wasted, I came upon 2 tattoo art databases which have plenty of original creations. Here are a couple of important points I learned during my ordeal of searching for only the best tattoo designs: Firstly, as mentioned above, quit using the good old search engines as they supply you with websites full of cookie-cutter prints. In my experience, currently, there are only two excellent ways of finding breathtaking Swallow bird tattoos.

Tribal Bird Tattoos

Tribal Bird Tattoos
Tribal Bird Tattoos

Tribal Bird TattoosYou want to get a tribal bird tattoo but you may be unsure of where to start. As I'm sure you know, you need to do research beforehand to make sure you find artwork that makes you happy. Consider this: you are about to spend your money on a piece of artwork that will have a permanent place on your body. This makes the research that I want you to do even more important. Doing this research will mean the difference between an okay tattoo and a tattoo that you are very proud to show off to friends and family.

Phoenix Bird Tattoo

Phoenix Bird TattooThe tattooing world has very few favorites. Phoenix bird is one of them. Do you know where this interesting picture comes from? What is the symbolic significance of this awesome picture? We will look at the reasons this bird design has become one of enduring symbols of time.

Phoenix Bird TattooMythology says that the Phoenix is a creature that rises from its own ashes after burning down. The name itself originated from the Greek word for "red", the universal color of fire. Being the bird of fire, Phoenix can be aptly used to symbolize a person's inner fire and zest for life. The rage for the Phoenix bird tattoos has started a few years back. The Phoenix bird epitomizes the rebirth and resurrection from the ashes. You can use this symbol if you have had a tough patch in life and successfully overcame it.

Phoenix Bird TattooIt is fairly easy to draw the Phoenix bird tattoos which are normally painted in bright and lucid colours that represent life. The uniqueness of a phoenix bird design lies in its different interpretation by different people. You can very easily personalize a phoenix bird tattoo to highlight emotions close to your heart. You just need to tell a good tattoo artist what you want to depict with your tattoo and he or she will easily give you the best.

Phoenix Bird Tattoo

Sunday, July 31, 2011

A Guide To Cat Tattoo Designs

A Guide To Cat Tattoo DesignsAs I begin to write I notice a large grey cat outside my window marking its territory. Fine, I think, but this is not my cat, as a matter of fact I don't own a cat. And that's when I realise who does own a cat? Here is this sleek, majestic, animal that, by now has noticed me and carries on with total disregard or fear of reprisal, free to wander and do what cats do. Cats have a long history with humans and what I liked to do in this story is to tell you about some of that history, and also to give you some ideas if you are thinking of a cat tattoo design.

Cats have been human pets since the time of ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt the cat was revered and killing a cat was not a good idea as this also resulted in your own death. Cats have been associated with mythology and folklore for a long time. There was Freya, the Norse goddess of love and beauty, who had a chariot pulled by 2 large gray cats (there's that grey cat again!).

There are many early religions that believed cats were magnificent souls, friend and guide for humans, and that they had great wisdom, but were not allowed to share this wisdom and remained silent so they could not sway human decisions.

Cool Cat Tattoos

Cool Cat Tattoos

Cool Cat TattoosCool cat tattoos are a great design that make a surprisingly sexy look for women. In the past, these designs may have been considered to be the sole property of the loony cat-crazed, but in fact they are great for a number of different reasons.

First of all, for cat lovers, what better way is there to remember a special pet in a lasting way than to get a tattoo of your pet's face? A realistic cat tattoo will remind you of your pet for the rest of your life, and will also look great on you.

Cat owners often recognize that they have a personal affinity for cats - they see characteristics in their own personality that are cat like. Cats have a lot of positive characteristics that are good in people - they are athletic, intelligent, cunning, agile, sensual and perceptive. They have keen senses and are alert.

Owl Tattoo for Girl

Tribal Owl Tattoo

Tribal Owl Tattoo

Thus, you decide that you want to get a tribal owl tattoo design, nevertheless, you are certainly not certain where to start? The particular owl provides increased inside popularity like a option for a tribal tattoo design lately. It's not hard to see why. The particular mark of your owl symbolizes intelligence and contains been accepted by many civilizations through background simply because that they're wild birds of the night time.

Owls have also been associated with the magical, and so are often represented in colaboration with sorcerers and also wonder. The Cree, a Native U . s . religion, believes that the call of Boreal Owl would be a summoning to the access of the character world. Several ethnicities around the globe possess positioned spiritual value upon the particular owl, and that is the reason why it's got improved like a topic inside tribal tattooing.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bear Tattoo Designs

Bear Tattoo Designs PictureBear Tattoo Designs Picture

Bear Tattoo DesignsBear Tattoo Designs

Bear Tattoo Designs on FootBear Tattoo Designs on Foot

Tribal Bear Tattoo

Tribal Bear TattooSo you have made a decision that you want the tribal bear tattoo design since your fresh bit of tattoo designs. It is possible to see why you would utilize the mark of the keep. Before you go out to have tattooed, take the appropriate time to do the required study that will save you numerous severe headaches later on.

I want to speculate. You might have previously gone to Google pictures to look into your own tribal bear tattoo. How many other people you think have already done this? Possibly a great deal. Which means you have been looking art that may 't be distinctive. If you utilize one of these styles you aren't going to stand out. And that is your purpose in getting this kind of piece of art, is it not?

If I were you, I would recommend utilizing a spend tribal tattoo site. The advantages a spend tribal skin image web site provides you with is use of tattoo artists that may create a item for you personally that is completely unique. You have to take time to find a designer who is experienced inside creating tribe tattoos. Additionally, you will obtain access to a whole local community of tribal tattoo design enthusiasts that will help an individual using this decision.

Tribal Monkey Tattoo

Tribal Monkey Tattootribal monkey tattoo

Getting a tribal monkey tattoo can be a great way to show off your individuality. But you need to do some good research before getting your new ink. Just think about it, you're about to spend your money on a permanent piece of artwork. You need to find artwork that you are happy with. Doing a proper research before getting a new tattoo can mean all the difference in the world.

Let me guess. You've already gone and started doing your research using Google images. This isn't a bad start, but everyone else already uses this as a resource. This means that you run a huge chance of using the same artwork that someone already has. And I know that isn't what you want.

Monkey Tattoo Ideas

Monkey Tattoo IdeasYou could even be 'different' and have a monkey tattoo ideas for example and when people ask you why, you can explain that it's because you're a Geminian, certainly a conversation starter. If you don't fancy anything quite so bold, why not just have the Gemini glyph as a tattoo. This is two upright parallel lines with a line across the top & bottom. You could have that on its own or with something entwined around it.

Monkey Tattoo Meaning

Monkey Tattoo Meaning
Monkey Tattoo MeaningMonkey Tattoo Meaning

There are numerous associated with meanings mounted on goof tattoo design. With a, apes represent knowledge and knowledge. Based on some people, bad powers are attached to these kinds of animals. The vast majority of us would agree, that monkeys are usually wise in addition to difficult critters. Nevertheless, nowadays you will notice that monkeys tend to be represented as cheaters, dishonest creatures, who furthermore perform some negative in addition to some good tricks, but not to be able to neglect they are also amusing animals. Within the Chinese language culture, monkey signifies the sage california king within East Asian countries. It also involves signify the ‘Great Sage Equal to Heaven’. They're respected within Cina, because in line with the Chinese language these kinds of pets tend to be steady and are also intelligent. China use the goof to symbolize a king, as they are considered able to make reliable choices, but at the same time, they're also adaptable. You may want to read on Chinese tats and their symbolism.

Monkey Tattoo Designs

Monkey tattoos mostly illustrate the animal from their cute and charming images to caricatures. The usual features of monkey designs used are the small round head and stout images.

The human-like features of monkeys are what make it appealing for monkey tattoo designs where you can create a variety of images that could reflect our own personality in a funny way. They can even be illustrated doing actual things that people do such as reading, playing video games or dancing.

Monkey Tattoo Designs
Monkey Tattoo Designs
Monkey Tattoo Designs

Friday, July 22, 2011

Horse and Dog Tattoo

Horse and Dog TattooHorse and Dog Tattoo

Tribal Wolf Tattoos

Tribal Wolf Tattoos
Tribal Wolf TattoosWolf Tattoos - Tribal

There are many tribal variations of wolf inkwork that you can get done. They are popular with both men and women. For women especially who do not want the usual fierce look of a wolf tattoo, the tribal version is a good choice.

The tribal versions of a this tattoo type come in many different poses. Some show the wolf in its typical howling headshot but others show the wolf in action, leaping, running or fighting. In my experience, there are many more tribal variations than non-tribal ones.

Celtic Wolf Tattoos

Celtic Wolf TattoosCeltic Wolf Tattoos

These are quite hard to come across. If you want a tat in this style and you are not willing to compromise then I recommend finding a good artist with plenty of experience doing tattoos in the Celtic style. You should also consider tribal styles because there is not much of a difference.

Wolf and Moon Tattoos

Wolf and Moon TattoosWolf Tattoo - New Moon

This is a tattoo that has emerged thanks to the TV series Twilight. This tattoo is probably only for fans of the show. Even if you like it, people may assume you are a fan which could be annoying if you are not!

Anyway, the tattoo is still quite cool, nevertheless. It looks like a tribal style drawing in black ink. The wolf is enclosed in a circle and, at first glance, most people do not even notice it!

Howling Wolf Tattoos

Howling Wolf Tattoos
Howling Wolf Tattoos
Howling Wolf TattoosHowling Wolf Tattoos

One of the most popular wolf types of tattoo is the howling tattoo of the wolf. The wolf is featured looking up and to the left or the right in order to best project his message. In this pose, usually only the wolf's head appears in the tattoo. Sometimes though, the entire body may be present, especially if the rest of the tattoo depicts scenery or environment such as a full moon.

Wolf Tattoo Meanings

Wolf Tattoo Meanings
Wolf Tattoo MeaningsWolf Tattoo Meanings

The wolf is a creature of great mythological status. Although it is universally feared, it is also highly respected. Man's best friend descended from wolves and, within the pack, they show great courage and loyalty - both admirable qualities despite this animal's ferocity.

Are these tattoos for women or for men? Frankly, they are not gender specific. If you like it then I say you should go for it, regardless of what some people may think. Society as a whole, however, does not really judge a tattoo of a wolf to be either male or female.